According to reports, the « magic brake » failed, causing the car to behave in an unusual way. This became evident when the brake drum exploded in the pit area while Verstappen was returning to his team.
Setting aside the absence of the current Formula 1 World Champion, Sainz and Ferrari emerged victorious in a manner reminiscent of Red Bull’s style. This result may raise concerns among fans in the Netherlands and in Milton Keynes.
Although I have no doubts that Max will become the F1 World Champion this year, it seems that Ferrari may have a chance in the Constructors’ title. However, this opportunity is more due to the driver duo than the cars. Unfortunately, Sergio Perez once again failed to convert the potential of the RB20 into a performance that supported the team.
Another setback for Red Bull is that an injured Sainz was able to pressure Verstappen, something he is not used to. It was intriguing to observe Verstappen’s expression in the pit area after his retirement. He was undoubtedly angry, but there was also a noticeable amount of concern. Undoubtedly, he was worried about how easily he was overtaken on the track.
Mr. Vamos never stood out like Verstappen and Hamilton in their early days, but such success can lead someone to believe that they have reached their full potential when there is still room for improvement.
On the other hand, Sainz is not complacent. He is a smart driver who continuously evaluates his performance, learns from it, and grows. This victory, combined with his newfound confidence in the car, will serve as a catalyst for him to reach new heights. Unfortunately for his teammate, he is starting to look more like a supporting actor than the main attraction.
Tanto Max quanto Carlos sont probablement en train de se poser la même question en ce moment: « Et si lui/moi était en bonne santé? ». La réponse évidente propulsera Sainz vers le niveau suivant et potentiellement nuire au progrès de Max. Le jeune hollandais n’a pas rencontré de défis significatifs récemment. Devoir en surmonter un pourrait entraîner une perte de quelques dixièmes au lieu de gagner un avantage.
Serait simpliste d’attribuer la victoire de Sainz uniquement au problème mécanique de Max. Comme Guenther Steiner l’a souligné dans l’interview après la course, « Max n’a pas perdu: Sainz a gagné! »
Remarque: Note pour Guenther: S’il vous plaît, travaillez sur votre prononciation en anglais. La réaction de Carlos Sainz suggérait qu’il avait initialement compris « festejando com a equipe da Ferrari esta noite » comme un événement de flatulences en groupe.