The planned increase in the single circulation tax (IUC) for 2024 was strongly criticized by Carlos Barbosa, president of ACP, who considers the measure absurd and arrogant: “It is the biggest assault on the most disadvantaged classes and, above all, it makes no sense because, effectively, when they want the car park to be renewed, it is exactly those who cannot afford to renew it that they are attacking.”, he said.
What is at stake is the intention to impose an increase in the IUC on cars and motorcycles registered before 2007, in an attempt to compensate for the revenue lost due to the reduction in the value of tolls on former SCUT roads, but also to act on an environmental level, since these are more polluting vehicles.
Expecting a revenue loss of 72.4 million euros associated with the 30% reduction in tolls on six of the former interior and Algarve SCUT roads, the Government intends to act with the “creation of the environmental component for vehicles of categories A and E, within the framework of green taxation instruments.”
In practical terms, the amount of IUC to be paid for these cars will increase by up to 25 euros, but the proposal of the State Budget states that the IUC will be “progressively increased until the IUC rate represents the entirety of the taxation related to the CO2 emitted by these vehicles.”
According to ACP data, about three million cars and half a million motorcycles will suffer from the “brutal” increase in IUC as of January.
Nearly 400,000 signed a petition against the increases
There is an online petition against the increase in IUC (Single Circulation Tax) planned in the State Budget for 2024, which already has over 394,000 signatures.
António Costa reacted on the first day of the general debate on the State Budget for 2024: “I am not unaware that almost 400,000 people have signed a petition. Now, what I also do not ignore is the lie that you have been selling, that the IUC was going to have a 1,000% increase, when what people will actually pay next year, and in each of the following years, is a maximum of 25 euros more.”
Arguments that were not enough to deter those responsible for the online protest, who are now committed to mobilizing the Portuguese for actions throughout the country: “On November 5th, take your car registered before 2007 to the City Hall of your district capital, park and demonstrate in a noisy, but above all, responsible and peaceful manner,” reads a statement.