この記念を祝うために、Stellantis Heritage部門は、自社のコレクションとプライベートコレクターから借り受けたクラシックカーを使用して、一時的な展示会をHeritage Hubで開催することを決定しました。
イタリアのトリノにある博物館の入り口に位置している展示では、個人コレクションからの38台のモデルとステランティスのアバルト車両が紹介されています。カルロ・アバルトによってチューニングされた最初の500台(1958年にモンツァサーキットで6つの速度と耐久記録を樹立)から60年代の伝説的なアバルト1000 SPまで、そしてブランドニューのアバルト695 75°アニヴェルサリオまで、これはスコーピオンの歴史と有名な1.4 T-Jetエンジンに敬意を表しており、その排気量(1,368 cc)が限定版のために生産された1368モデルにインスピレーションを与えました。
The exhibition dedicated to the Scorpion brand continues inside the Heritage Hub, where classic Abarth cars are stored.
Recorde-se que a lenda da marca com o emblema do Escorpião começou em 31 de março de 1949, quando Carlo Abarth (1908-1979) fundou a Abarth & C. com o piloto Guido Scagliarini. O seu primeiro automóvel foi o 204 A, derivado do Fiat 1100. Chamou a atenção em 10 de abril de 1950 quando Tazio Nuvolari o conduziu para vencer a sua última corrida, a Palermo-Monte Pellegrino.
Desde então, a história da Abarth está repleta de recordes de corridas e industriais, sempre com o espírito do fundador de combinar a máxima performance, perícia artesanal e refinamento técnico.
“Telling the story of Abarth’s key stages is an opportunity to rediscover the cars that broke records, the revolutionary modification kits, and the legendary races that marked the brand’s technological progress and achievements in motorsport”, explained Roberto Giolito, Director of the Stellantis Heritage Department. “All of this belongs to the past and present of Abarth, along with the dedication and pride of the people who, over time, worked in the factories, offices, and race tracks, but with an extra touch. Celebrating this anniversary means remembering the invaluable people, sporting achievements, and technological heritage of Abarth, as well as strengthening the unbreakable bond that unites several generations of customers under the founder’s mission of maximum performance, craftsmanship, and constant technical improvement”, concluded Roberto Giolito
The exhibition dedicated to Abarth will be open to the public for about three months, starting on April 12, upon purchase of a ticket for a guided tour of the Heritage Hub